When you receive goods directly from factories in China, your logo can be printed on the package. In this way,you can have your own brands.
When we make purchases directly from factories in China, can we print our own logo on products and packaging?
When we want to buy from the factory that is producing World-famous brands,the factory cannot keep the same quality for our goods.Why?
A major problem in China is , Chinese people have no quality vision and also there is a lack of quality control system.Even if they have,it does not work correctly. Such as, the factory can not maintain continuity of production quality.The factory manufactures very good quality at one time,but the other time the quality is fallen and and the factory does not want to bear the cost of this error.So they are trying to send the faulty goods to the importers.No matter how big is the factory, we are faced with this problem from time to time.The only solution is,such as big importers,you should cooperate with the serious purchasing agent
Can small amount of goods be bought from China?
You do not have to buy goods in huge quantities from China.Even if,one container cannot be fulled by your goods,your goods can be manufactured and you can make partial shipment.Also,you can get the goods from 3-4 different factories and different goods can be loaded in one container.
We've come to the fair in China, but could not get anything. And our minds confused and could not trust them. What should we do?
There are two options to reduce your risk.Neither you stay in China for a while as to search all the factories and you will make quality control during the manufacturing time and after the production nor you will choose the most economical and safest option that you should cooperate with the serious purchasing agent
Is there any trust problem with Chinese trading?
As they learn foreign trade in a very short time and earn money quickly,they are not adopting European business ethics.For this reason,trade has very different approaches. This situation occurs in most of the quality.They can sent completely different goods of what you want and they have the disregardful attitude about the bad quality.Because of the small details that the factory does not care,can cause great losses for you.It is strongly recommended that,you should cooperate with the purchasing agent that has the quality control department.
Do all kinds of goods are produced in China?
Yes, almost all kinds of goods are produced.China has thousands of factories with high-level technologies in the wide geography.
We have problems in our goods coming from China.What should we do?
It is easier that if you have the cooperation with the purchasing agent. . The agency's tasks are,to create a bridge between you and the factory as to solve the problems and to conclude the business in your favor.If you do not work with such an agent,then the best solution is ,coming to China and to try to solve the problem in its place.
Can we buy the goods by installments from China?
Yes,if you open deferred L/C in Turkish Bank, you can have the opportunity to buy from China.
Are Chinese goods have the poor qualities?
It is possible to find every kinds of quality goods in China.
There are very high quality goods and also very low quality goods.
China is making goods for many foreign companies.If you can do good quality control,all qualities can be manufactured here.You can find one good in 2 or three different qualities in China.
These differences are directly reflected the price.It is clear that the China goods have not bad qualities but it is in your hand that if you reduce the cost you can have the poor quality.
How can we find the good quality goods?
The best way is,you can send the samples and all technical specifications to all related manufacturing factories and taking their quotations one by one.If you have communication problems with these factories,pls contact us.All information will be reached you by our research department in a short time.
How can European and American importing companies supply the quality of continuity?
European and American importing companies ,usually cooperate with purchasing agents when purchasing goods from China. Also, some importers send their own control team to China as to have the best quality. With this system, of course, can provide continuity of quality and they can easily sell these goods as their own in their domestic markets.
We are having trouble with the continuity of the quality of China goods. What should we do?
There are two options.
1-You will come to China for every order and check your goods while they are manufacturing and before shipment.
2-You can work with our company and will get to control the best quality of continuity.
When we start to buy from China, do we often have to come China?
It is not necessary, if you will cooperate with the purchasing agent.
From which city of China we can get the best goods?
There are cities where the specific goods are manufactured but for some products there can be more than one city.For example,for the same good the prices can be more expensive in some cities but the quality is higher and wider ready models portfolio is ready.
Sectors and major products in China has become synonymous with state and city.
For example:
In Shenzhen, Electrical and Electronic Products
In Zhejiang, Textiles and Textile Subsidiary Products,
In Jinjiang and Xiamen,Shoes and Footwear Supply Industry,
In Yiwu,Gift and Promotional Products -
How to make sure that we're taking the best quality and the best price from China?
You can contact with the factories that are producing your goods. First,you take the quotation(price) and then if you want, you can take samples from them.So,you can easily choose the best price for the quality that you want.
Can we communicate with the Chinese factories by using English language?
In facrtories,only the people in export department know English language. But,there a few people who know English well and can understand what you want.Most of them seem to understand what you said but they cannot understand completely.Because of their general culture,Chinese people seem to understand what you want and their responds are generally positive.At this point,you suppose that your demands are accepted.But after a while,you understood that your demands have not understood but they looked like to understand and they manufactured different things what you wanted.Therefore,we strongly recommend you that you should cooperate with the purchasing agent that knows their habits and culture very well when you are making necessary agreements.
You will understand what we mean very well after coming to China for the first time.
We have come to China to order the goods.But the goods came different that we ordered.How can we solve?
This is a serious problem in China,that is the most frequently experienced.This is the reason that,no matter how big the factory is,they have NO serious quality control systems. Chinese workers usually do what they know and they have very unalterable thoughts.
The best way to prevent this,while the goods are manufactured and after finishing before shipment,you should cooperate the purchasing agent like us and we will do the quality control on behalf of you or we can do the quality control together before shipment.So the goods are shipped with complacency.
We have never done import.How can we solve the custom procedures?
You can contact with the well-known customs consultancy agency and get all the information about your product import legislation. After you have decided to import the goods, the first step should be to check the customs regulations and if there is not any problem with importing the item,you should start.Otherwise,all your efforts for importing are wasted at the last minute.
How can we handle the transportation issues?
A transportation company or shipping agent can give all the information about transportation costs.Or, you can work with our company’s contracted shipping company and you can follow up your shipments under the supervision of our company.
We buy goods from different factories in China. We have to send the advance payments different factories and follow up one by one .Can we do all our imports through a single company?
Even if you buy goods from different factories,it is possible that you can do all your imports through only one company. Our company also provides service about this matter.You can take this service from our company.
What are the advantages of doing all our imports through a single company?
First,you do not have to pay more than one money transfer charges.You do not have to pay different advance payments.
Second,the export-company signs the agreement with all manufacturing factories within the China framework of contract law.In case of a problem,the export-company will to seek redress in court and it is easier to follow your interests. Another advantage is,if the export-company is strong, it is easier to buy the goods with deferred payment letter of credit.
Participants in China Fairs are mostly trading companies not the factories. How can we reach the factories directly?
In general,China factories do not export directly, the trading companies do the exports on behalf of the factories;Because of tax reasons and also they only want to focus on manufacturing.In addition,only the factories that can have export licences, can participate the fairs and this export licence is not found in every factory.Therefore,generally the foreign trade companies that have export licences participate the fairs. If you want to contact the factory directly,our company reaches the factory quickly,to get the quotation and meet the factory that is suitable for you.